In this section we hope these pages will inspire you and your family.
Sr. Blandine Elisabeth
Sister Blandine Elisabeth belongs to the Sisters of Mary Morning Star, a
contemplative community whose days are marked by the rhythm of prayer,
study and manual work. Each sister receives formation in a work that suits her,
cultivating a spirit of craftsmanship. Through their works of art at the service of
the liturgy, or by their crafts sold in their monasteries, the sisters seek to bear
witness to the presence of Christ and to share the joy of their consecrated life
to all whom they meet.
Sister Blandine Elisabeth has studied with contemporary painters and
illustrators and she also draws her inspiration from the heart of the monastic
Michelle Pitt
She is a painter and illustrator who grew up in Seattle but now calls Southern England her home. Her love of art began as a small child when her father first taught her perspective drawing on a tiny chalkboard. She has always been inspired by colour - especially the colours of the garden in all its glorious seasons. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Art degree in Painting, with a minor in Art History whilst living in the United States, but felt she hadn’t put her talents to good use until a friend in England suggested she try her hand at illustrating books for children. She soon found that she loves bringing stories to life with her drawings! When not drawing or painting, she can usually be found, with her husband, tending their garden.
Holy Heroes
Holy Heroes is a family-owned apostolate loyal to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and not associated with any particular congregation, order, or movement.
To produce Holy Heroes requires more than our family, but the professional expertise of many people who share a passion for making inspiring and beautiful stories for your family.
Pedro de la Puente
He is a freelance concept artist and illustrator. He has his own YouTube channel -Little Lamplighters- where he illustrates stories. He also loves teaching kids how to draw and get them passionate about art.
You can contact him and find out more about his videos, lessons and art through his website:
Roy Peachey
Catholic Author.
He has published The Race, a dual narrative children’s novel; Between Darkness and Light, a novel about the Chinese Labour Corps in World War I; 50 Books for Life: a concise guide to Catholic literature; Popes, Emperors and Elephants: the first thousand years of Christian culture; Did Jesus Go to School? and other questions about parents, children and education; Out of the Classroom and Into the World: how to transform Catholic education.